CCSVI Check-up

Five months ago*, I made my way to Albany, NY for my appointment with Dr. Mehta for my CCSVI check-up. I had a doppler scan first, which took about 25 minutes this time. As I sat in the exam room with my very amusing friend, we wiled away the hour of waiting with lots of laughter.  I was peeking out of the exam room door to see if I could sense an end to the waiting, and at the same time the doctor was turning to come in to the room. I happened to be laughing at the time, and the near collision caught us both by surprise. But to make things worse, my friend (who is a loud laugher) was bent over in a hysterical fit. So, this is how the doctor comes upon us, and let me tell you, those first few moments of the visit were awkward!!

The news was the same as it’s been for over a year. The Doppler showed open internal jugular vein on the right, and closed on the left with ‘adequate’ collateral vein drainage.Bla bla bla….”There is nothing that we can do NOW…come back if you are more symptomatic….you are looking good…see you in a few months”.

Since there is nothing that can be done, I’ve made a concerted effort to do something for my general health for the past months:

1. I have had a couple of therapeutic massages. They weren’t covered by insurance, but I think they should be.                 2. I continue to have chiropractic adjustments about once a month, down from two to four times a month.                         3. I’m being fitted for hand braces next week. After having a very painful nerve conduction study, I was told I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands (even though I had surgery on each years ago). I am concerned that I will not be a compliant patient in wearing them.                                                                                                                               4. I continue to eat gluten-, dairy-, corn- and soy-free. I have slip-ups and challenges with this way of eating, but things are getting easier.  The learning curve is not quite so steep.                                                                                          5. I started having acupuncture sessions and it has certainly been a fascinating experience! I hope to write on that topic, as it deserves some praise-singing for its effects and an explanation of how it works. It’s going to be fun explaining something that is so mysterious……….

*Five months away from this blog has seemed like 5 weeks. I have only thought of it now and then, and always with twinges of guilt, but now I’ve decided to make amends and come back to bloom where I’m planted for a little while longer. At least that is my plan.  🙂   Keep fighting to be well!